Suggested Use: The suggested daily amount is 1-4 tablets/day as recommended by your physician. Work closely with your physician while on the IodoralĀ® program.
SEE DETAILED DESCRIPTION for more important information.
Iodoral is a safe and effective iodine supplement that provides 12.5 mg of pure iodine and iodide per tablet. Although, iodine is most known for its benefit to the thyroid, iodine is also essential for the proper functioning of every other cell of the body including the cells of the immune system, skin, breasts and glands. Due to a lack of iodine in the diet and other factors such as the addition of bromine to our baked goods, iodine is quickly becoming one of the most important deficiencies of our diet.
Report to your physician any history of thyroid surgery and/or radiation, chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (Hashimoto), and any previous problem with your thyroid. Before starting IodoralĀ®, your physician (He/She = He) will order blood tests for hematology, blood chemistry and thyroid functions. He will also perform an ultrasound of your thyroid to measure the size and appearance of your thyroid. Depending on the results of the thyroid function tests and ultrasound, he may order some blood tests for thyroid antibodies. If you are taking thyroid hormones, let your physician know about it. Be aware that IodoralĀ® enhances the response of your body to thyroid hormones (*4,6). Subjects on IodoralĀ® feel warmer in cold environments and that is expected. However, you will need to cut down the amount of thyroid hormones if you experience palpitation, anxiety, increased sweating and intolerance to heat. That is because IodoralĀ® decreases your need for thyroid hormones. Your physician will guide you in titrating downward the amount of thyroid hormones. Your physician will reevaluate you one month afterward if you are on thyroid hormones, and 3 months if not. Keep a record of what you observe while on IodoralĀ® and show it to your physician.