Category Archives: Food

Practical Approaches for Managing Anxiety, Depression & Brain Fog

Hi, I’m Dr. Chad Larson. We’re in an era right now that is kind of [...]

Study Links Sugar Consumption In Kids To Cognitive Impairment Later In Life

Hi, I’m Dr. Chad Larson. There’s a ton of money being pumped into research about [...]

Have You Put On Pandemic Pounds? It Could Be Your Hormones

Hi, I’m Dr. Chad Larson. When it comes to fat burning, we really need to [...]

Your Mucosal Immune System: The Body’s First Line of Defense

Hi, I’m Dr. Chad Larson. One of the most important things that we should be [...]

Try This Summertime Nutritious & Delicious Mocktail

    I’m going to share with you my new favorite summertime mocktail. It includes [...]

Gas, Bloating, Constipation? Learn These Simple Support Tips

    By far the most common internal medicine issue that people come to me [...]

Is Your Greens Drink Supporting U.S. Organic Farmers?

    I think a lot of people would be surprised to learn how common [...]

Phytonutrients: A Key Component for Immune Health

    I want to connect a few dots for you today with regard to [...]

Nutrim® – Nature’s Superfood For Heart Health

    Today, I want to feature a very unique ingredient found in our product [...]

Coffeeberry – A Powerful Ingredient That Packs a Superfood Supercharge

    Like many catchphrases in the supplement industry, the term superfood tends to be [...]

The Real Meaning Of “Superfood”

  Unfortunately, the term “superfood” has saturated the market, and in the process, it has [...]

Do You Have Enough of This Onboard to Fight Viruses?

  In episode 141 of his video series, Dr. Larson discusses: I have had a [...]