Wake Up! Feel Revitalized.
Experience the blissful rest you deserve with DreamTime, a premium sleep formula carefully crafted to support your journey towards rejuvenating sleep, without the use of melatonin. Say goodbye to restless nights and embrace the power of natural ingredients that promote deep, quality sleep.
Why Sleep Is So Important
Sleep is a challenge, to A LOT of of us! According to the CDC, 70 million Americans have chronic sleep issues, that is roughly 1 in 3 adults1. The reasoning behind why we don’t sleep well can be attributed to several factors: Stress, hormone dysregulation, physical abnormalities, work schedules, life schedules or a combination of any of these. In short, most adults report not sleeping well most of the time, but what to do? With so many options out there to choose from in supplements or over the counter, it’s often difficult to know what will work and why. But that’s why you’re here on this page currently, so let me introduce Dreamtime, our newest formula and one we think you’ll find effective.
Dreamtime features studied ingredients that are safe and effective in not only helping us to fall asleep but supporting us to stay asleep. By combining these ingredients, we hope you’ll love this formula as much as we do!
“Innocent sleep. Sleep that soothes away all our worries. Sleep that puts each day to rest. Sleep that relieves the weary labourer and heals hurt minds. Sleep, the main course in life’s feast, and the most nourishing” ―William Shakespeare, Macbeth (2.2.50–52).
Research shows that the ingredients used in Dreamtime™ work in several ways including:
- Improved sleep quality and promoting a deeper more restful sleep
- Reduced symptoms of insomnia; including nighttime anxiety and quantity of sleep
- Assists in helping you fall asleep faster
What’s Inside Dreamtime

Glycine is an amino acid that is also a neurotransmitter. Our body can make Glycine from food and other biochemicals, but when taken orally, it can act as both an excitatory or inhibitor when it comes to our nervous system. Primarily though it helps produce serotonin, the hormone and neurotransmitter that influences our stress and sleep. One the ways it helps to achieve this is by lowering body temperature. When we reduce the body core temp, it triggers the brain to fall asleep and stay asleep longer. Another important role that Glycine plays for sleep is producing serotonin. Adequate levels of serotonin is required to make the other hormone known for sleep, melatonin. Other studies show that Glycine may help us fall back asleep if we are disrupted as well.2

We all associate Hops with beer making, but more importantly is the role or effect we gain when taking this plant orally at night. Used traditionally in Europe, it is often given as a mild sedative for the treatment of anxiety, nervousness and insomnia. Like Glycine, studies show that one the benefits hops helps with is to decrease body temperature, helping us fall asleep and stay asleep longer. The main mechanism of action of hops, however, is to increase the activity of the neurotransmitter Îł-aminobutyric acid (GABA) through modulation of brain GABA(A) receptors3. By increasing GABA, this in turn helps us to moderate stress, welcoming relaxation and promotes sleepiness when taken at night.

5-htp (5-hydroxytyrptophan)
As a supplement, 5-HTP comes from the seeds of an African shrub known as Griffonia simplicifolia. Long studied, 5-HTP is considered an intermediate amino acid made from the synthesis of l-tryptophan and serotonin. Taken at night before bed, studies show that it helps promotes falling asleep by promoting serotonin production, which in turn, creates melatonin. This most important “happy hormone”, is a vital neurotransmitter which helps us improve our mood, lessen anxiety and promote better sleep for our health4.

Vitamin B6
The addition of pyridoxine HCL (vitamin B6) is to support the synthesis of the neurotransmitters, serotonin and melatonin. Vitamin B is often lacking in our diet, as we use B vitamins very rapidly. There is evidence that indicates those with lower B levels suffer from poor sleep quality. B6 also helps to support mood and there is a link to lowering depression5.
If You’re Looking For a Melatonin Based Sleep Product Featuring the benefits of CBD, we recommend Dreamtime CBD as an adjunct to Dreamtime Original or as a stand alone.
Helpful Tips You Can Start Today for Better Sleep
Keep to a Schedule
Just like children, adults benefit from routines, including sleep schedules. Our bodies will respond better to sleep when we go to sleep at a consistent time. This regularity will help support our brains to elicit a sleep response that it can rely on.
When is the best time to work out? That depends greatly on the individual, but it is best to avoid a workout 2 hours before your bedtime. It’s also better if you’re working out at a gym to avoid bright lights which may disturb circadian rhythms. If you can, get outside for that workout, ideally in the sunlight to help boost happy hormones, and relieve stress.
Light Stretches, Yoga, Meditation and Breathwork
These tools help us to unwind and let go of the day. There are several apps that can lead you through some simple techniques. Keep experimenting till you find what works for you.
End of Day Anxiety
Sometimes, we have a hard time falling asleep at the end of the day due to anxiety and the mind takes over. A simple practice is to write down your stressors, get rid of anything that is weighing on you or on your to-do list for the next day. Writing can help unburden your sleep space, keep a journal by your bed, so if something new comes up, write it down and let it go for the night.

Total Darkness
Our brains need darkness to signal the circadian rhythm for sleep and some people are extremely light sensitive. First, get rid of LED clocks and any electronics with lights. Try to block out as much light through windows as possible. You’ll also want to keep your bedroom clean and uncluttered so if you need to get up in the night, the pathway to the door is safe. If total darkness isn’t an option, try wearing an eye mask or use motion-based night lights instead.
Some people need white light to sleep have you tried this option? Others like waves, or falling rain sounds, there are lots to choose from and even combinations on most apps. Others need total silence. Experiment what feels right for you.
Cool it Down
Try to keep your bedroom cool, somewhere between 60-71 degrees according to researchers. Soft comfy bedding that isn’t too hot is optimal. Open windows if you can for fresh air, use fans and air conditioners if possible. Air quality too is important and not breathing in pollution like dust mites, mold or outdoor pollutants is vital for overall health.

Try to keep your room free of artificial fragrance like candles, plugins or fabric softeners. Instead, honor the space you breathe in for 8+hours with natural smells, lavender essential oil being a favorite for most people.

Quality Mattress and Bedding
If your mattress is causing sleep trouble or a sore back, it’s time for a new one. Since we spend 8 hours or more in bed, invest in that bed you’ve always wanted, your health deserves to be cared for. Soft, comfortable bedding and the right pillow is just as important, so treat yourself!
Believe it or not, the #1 best thing you can do for your health is to get quality, uninterrupted sleep! Sleep in my opinion is the single most overlooked aspect of better health.
-Dr Chad Larson
Dreamtime™ FAQ’s
Q: Why did you exclude Melatonin from the formula? I heard it was good for sleep.
A: We’re huge fans of Melatonin, but it was omitted for good reasons. First, let’s go over what it is and how it works for us. Melatonin is a crucial hormone that regulates our wake/sleep cycle. It’s made by the pineal gland and is activated by sunlight entering our eyes. There are natural ways to support this hormone beyond supplements too-naturally by ensuring that you watch a sunrise and get outside early in the morning. Some sleep experts also agree that supplementing with Melatonin shouldn’t be used long term, only occasionally for best results. The dose of Melatonin is very different for people as well. Some do well with just 0.5mg while others need 3mg or even more (if used under medical supervision only). Some people experience a paradoxical effect when taking Melatonin, meaning, that instead of triggering sleepiness, it energizes them. Some people don’t like the grogginess after affect or lucid dreaming that can be troublesome with taking Melatonin, so for all of these reasons, we left it out.Bottom line: if you benefit with Melatonin, simply take your preferred dose along with Dreamtime, it can be used safely as an adjunct. Our #1 option that we recommend you learning more about is Dreamtime CBD + Melatonin. Here are some good options to consider:
Q: I heard taking Magnesium at night will help with sleep, is this true?
A: Some studies indicate that taking Magnesium at bedtime can help improve the quality of sleep. Magnesium is an important regulator of our neurotransmitters, including the vital ones that help us sleep and relieve anxiety. Taking Magnesium at bedtime has also been shown to help lessen symptoms of restless leg syndrome. Most sleep experts agree that using Magnesium Glycinate is the best option for sleep without the concern of loose stools. We love our Magnesium Glycinate for this reason.
Q: Sleep formulas don’t work for me, now what?
A: It’s very common to struggle while finding the right formula to fit our personal needs, everyone is different and there is not one size fits all approach when it comes to sleeping. The good news is that there are lots of options out there to try, also, be sure to check out our tips for better sleep download for some easy changes anyone can benefit from. Give us a call if we can help.
Additional Information On The Importance of Sleep
The Relationship between 20 mg Melatonin and Sleep
What is Melatonin? Melatonin is a hormone which is manufactured by the pineal gland of [...]
This product may be contraindicated for those taking clozapine, an antipsychotic medication. Do not use concurrently with SSRI medications or MAO inhibitors. Glycine may be contraindicated for those immediately recovering from stroke or with liver and kidney disease. 5-HTP may cause gastrointestinal upset in sensitive individuals4. If pregnant or lactating, do not use. Not intended for children.