Author Archives: Dr. Devin Ryerson

Why I Choose Pure Encapsulations

Why I Choose Pure Encapsulations Back in the mid-1990’s when I was in Chiropractic college [...]

Create Happiness By Creating Your Own Blue Zone

What Is A Blue Zone & How Blue Zones Lead To Increased Rates Of Longevity [...]

Introducing Klean Athlete: Product Overviews

Pure Prescriptions is proud to announce a partnership with Klean Athlete! My friend Adam heads [...]

Stay Hydrated: A How To Guide To Electrolytes & More

Hydration & Electrolyte Information   Meet one of our newest product additions, Klean Hydration™ and [...]

Can Seaweed Make You Less Fat? Exploring the Impact of Seaweed Extracts on Weight Management

The pursuit of weight loss remains a timeless endeavor, often inundated with an array of [...]

Vegan Fusion Academy with Mark Reinfeld

Like most people, I too struggle with food choices. I know, what a first world [...]

The Backfire Effect

Wishful Thinking…We all do it. In neuroscience it’s called a conformational bias. It is the [...]

Introducing The Nastiest Fruit In The World!

Strawberries, they’re everywhere. My kids love them in in their yogurt and I’ll blend them [...]