Anemia is a condition where the body doesn’t produce enough red blood cells. Iron is necessary for thyroid function, so if you are deficient, it can lead to thyroid autoimmunity which can last throughout pregnancy and well beyond. A recent study in Belgium that looked at pregnant women in their first trimester found that 35% were iron deficient. That becomes very problematic because a pregnant woman’s needs for iron goes up dramatically to supply oxygen to her body and the fetuses as well. Iron deficiency anemia can lead to health conditions for both the mother and the growing fetus. Iron is necessary for thyroid function, so if you are deficient, it can lead to thyroid autoimmunity which can last throughout pregnancy and well beyond. The production of something called thyroid peroxidase is completely dependent on iron, if you don’t have enough of it, then it can lead to thyroid dysfunction.

Since red blood cells are responsible for delivering oxygen to every living cell, having a low red blood cell count leads to your body not getting enough energy. DR. CHAD LARSON

Your brain demands an enormous amount of energy to function

  • If you don’t have enough oxygen, it will decrease the energy your brain has. That will affect things called neurotransmitters, which are the chemicals in the brain that are responsible for the regulation of your mood
  • Neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and GABA are all produced in the brain
  • Serotonin, a major mood stabilizer, is dependent upon iron. If you are low on serotonin, it can lead to symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Women are typically iron deficient because they don’t eat foods that are high in iron like beef and shellfish
  • The RDA for iron in women of childbearing age is 18 milligrams up to 27 milligrams for pregnant women
  • Don’t supplement unless you know that you are deficient; you can overdo it
  • Not all forms of iron are equally absorbable, the form with the highest absorption rate is iron bisglycinate
  • Other cheaper forms aren’t as absorbable and can lead to constipation
  • Everyone who is experiencing symptoms of fatigue, mood disorders, or brain fog, should have their iron checked to make sure that they don’t have iron deficiency anemia

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