Yep! That’s the adjective that describes what we all aspire to… at least when it comes to the appearance of our skin!

Question: What makes a baby’s skin so smooth?

Answer: Collagen

(More Specifically, It’s  type I & type III collagen)


So, you might be asking, what is are type 1 and type 3 collagen?

Great Question! Of the 28 types of known collagen in the human body, it’s the type 1 and 3 collagens that make babies and toddlers so darn plump, chubby and cute!


Illustration: Collagen Type I & III fibers decrease with age. Supplementing with collagen can restore depleted levels.



In a Nutshell – Here’s What The Scientists Found

In a study done to quantify total collagen content of both type I and III, researchers used what is known as the hydroxyproline method by immunohistochemistry. Sounds fancy…so, let’s not get into the details of the methodology right now and let’s go over the findings!

The content of type III collagen is highest in newborns and it rapidly decreases with age. As type III collagen decreases, type I collagen takes over in toddler and pre-school groups, then that even decreases as they get older… And, to put it simply, that’s why we all get wrinkles.


In the words of the researchers: “Decomposition of type III collagen in normal human skin may exceed its synthesis after birth immediately, leading to its reduction. Synthesis of type I collagen in normal human skin is dominant before 8 years old, and it shows an opposite tendency afterwards.”


As you can imagine, the reason people are taking collagen supplements by the boat-load is because collagen works. Certain collagens restore depleted collagen I & III levels, resulting in greater skin elasticity and fewer wrinkles. I’ve provided links below about other collagen types that will help with hair, eyes, bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage formation. To understand where collagen comes from and also how collagen is sourced (e.g.- Is it from pasture raised cows, etc.), use the product link below to learn about Perfect Collagen.


Collagen for Joint Health?

Learn more about the other types of collagen & what they do in the body below:

Learn More About Perfect Collagen® Featuring Collagen Types: I,II,III,V,X Here



Perfect Collagen™