We are all busy in our daily lives and we all know that the key to better health is to make time for a workout. But how many of us actually are able to do that on a regular basis? Follow Dr. Larson on another hike & learn where you’ll get a bit of motivation to take time out for yourself with tips on eating organic and doing what your body needs and wants.

Just taking 3 minutes out of your busy day to do even the smallest of exercise can have big impacts on your immune system and health in general. DR. CHAD LARSON

In episode 18, Dr. Larson discusses:

  • Everything that we do from the smallest of health habits like exercise to major things like our diet, has a relation to our immune system and it’s ability to fight viruses and bacteria
  • A body needs to do something called assimilation to promote a healthy immune system and to prevent disease and illness
  • When you consume things like micronutrients, macronutrients, carbohydrates, fats and protein, they are absorbed into the body
  • There are over ten trillion cells in the brain and body that need to be fueled by the oxygen we breathe and the things that we consume
  • The form of fuel that the body needs is called ATP
  • When your body is given what it needs and functioning properly, assimilation is the way that the body and brain are fueled
  • When it isn’t working properly, or you aren’t getting enough nutrients, then it can lead to nutrient deficiencies
  • When your body is deficient of nutrients or the necessary things it needs to operate optimally, the immune system is incapable of fighting disease and illness
  • The way that you can measure deficiencies is by measuring something called immunoglobulins
  • Immunoglobulins is a class of proteins that can be measured in the serum of immune cells.
  • They function as antibodies to fight disease and viruses
  • Protein assimilation is essential for a properly functioning immune system
  • You can get protein from things such as animal foods, plants, dairy, and beans and nuts
  • Poor assimilation can be caused by either not consuming enough protein or the body not being capable of breaking the protein down effectively
  • When your immunoglobulins are low, that means your body is left exposed to disease and viruses because it doesn’t have all that it needs to perform optimally
  • If you have low immunoglobulins, sometimes increasing your intake of protein is enough to correct your deficiency
  • Your stomach is full hydrochloric acid; it is what breaks down protein chains so that the body can absorb them. If your body isn’t making enough hydrochloric acid it can lead to poor absorption because the proteins stay in their chain and can’t be assimilated into the cells
  • What the body also needs are enzymes called Protease, it helps to break down nutrients even further so the body can absorb and assimilate them into the cells
  • Just like what we eat and drink are assimilated into the cells, so are the things that we breathe and are exposed to in our environment
  • Unhealthy things that are assimilated into the body might not show symptoms until they reach a tipping point
  • Things like chemicals in our food and environment, medicines, sugar, and drugs, are just some of the things that get assimilated into the body
  • The dirty dozen is a list of foods that have the highest amount of pesticide, herbicide and fungicide residue. The list can be found on EWG.org
  • When purchasing the dirty dozen, it is imperative to buy organic
  • There is also a list called the “Clean 15”. They are foods that have the least amount of residue and do not have to be bought organic
  • Consistently on the list of the dirty dozen are apples, strawberries, and grapes, and, recently, pears have been added
  • When you buy organic, that residue residual effect is minimized
  • That is why it is critical that you pay attention to the things you eat, drink and breathe, because they all become assimilated into the body and either help or hurt the functioning of your body’s systems