Contrary to what some experts might tell you, sun exposure during peak times may not only be good for you, but critical to your health when you follow these caveats to sun exposure.

Although most dermatologists and oncologists would warn you against exposing yourself to the sun during peak hours, there is scientific research that indicates that is exactly the right time to gain exposure for optimal Vitamin D levels. DR. CHAD LARSON

There are five excellent health tips to consider as summer approaches

1) Spend time in the sun to up your levels of Vitamin D

2) Consume more antioxidants to combat any skin exposure damage and radiation from the sun

3) Get rid of something in your diet that is unhealthy by either decreasing or eliminating it

4) Take cold showers or baths

5) Do something nice for someone else to get “biochemical treats” that are naturally built-in

In Episode 31, Dr. Larson discusses:

  • Vitamin D is not a Vitamin but a pro-hormone, which means that it is a precursor to another hormone
  • Unlike Vitamin C and other vitamins which the body can’t produce and must be obtained from an outside source, Vitamin D is produced in the body
  • Vitamin D is produced in the body when Ultraviolet B waves from the sun reaches the skin causing biochemical changes to take place that produce Vitamin D
  • Vitamin D has many benefits that are critical for good health
  • It helps to support the immune system
  • Vitamin D has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • There are things called inflammation markers, and they are correlated to levels of Vitamin D in the body
  • People with lower levels of Vitamin D have higher levels of systemic inflammation markers, which predisposes them to a greater risk for chronic disease
  • Vitamin D sufficiency is also important for healthy bones
  • Bone conditions such as rickets in children is due to Vitamin D deficiency, as is something called osteomalacia, which is a softening of the bones
  • Although common thought is that osteoporosis is caused by a lack of calcium, it is not just a calcium deficiency issue
  • Taking calcium supplements doesn’t cure osteoporosis, you need Vitamin D and phosphorus to enable the body to absorb calcium into the gastrointestinal tract, without them, calcium can’t be absorbed into the body
  • Vitamin D is also critical for muscle function
  • As many as 90% of tension headaches can be solved by getting the sufficient amount of Vitamin D
  • Other things linked to Vitamin D insufficiency are chronic muscle pain, cardiovascular and respiratory issues
  • The only way to know how much Vitamin D you need is to have your levels checked
  • A simple Vitamin D 3 or 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood level blood test will show your range
  • Although the recommended minimum is above 30 ng/mL new research is showing that you should have a minimum of 40 to 50 ng/mL for optimal health and to decrease any side effects from being deficient
  • Auto-immune system disorders are also linked to a Vitamin D insufficiency due to the impact of Vitamin D on both the immune system and inflammation
  • There are also anti-cancer benefits with Vitamin D, in fact, as your deficiency increases, so does your risk factors for certain cancers
  • Vitamin D is also essential for brain health and neuro-cognitive ability
  • The best time to get sun exposure is when the sun is overhead, which is between the hours of noon and three, even though most dermatologists warn against it
  • There are six different skin types ranging from one being the lightest to six being the darkest
  • Number one would be characterized by having fair skin, blue eyes, blonde hair and freckles
  • Number one skin types need the least amount of sun exposure for their bodies to produce enough Vitamin D and burn quickest when exposed to the sun
  • The darker your skin is, the more sun exposure you require to produce a sufficient amount of Vitamin D
  • The amount of time that you require direct sun exposure for Vitamin D sufficiency, is half the amount of time in the sun that it would take for your skin to burn
  • The more easily you burn, the more efficient your body is at producing Vitamin D
  • It isn’t just sun exposure; it is direct sun exposure to the skin and to large surfaces of the body like the arms, legs, and trunk, which are necessary for Vitamin D production
  • Evolutionary selection is responsible for the lightness of people’s skin over time; the body has adapted to produce more Vitamin D with lesser exposure, which is why there are skin color variations
  • The farther a population is from the equator, the more difficult it is for the body to get enough sun exposure to produce a sufficient amount of Vitamin D, which is why in northern regions of the earth, populations have lighter skin
  • As more people use sunscreen and sunblock to protect against skin cancer and aging, Vitamin D sufficiency has risen in the general population
  • If you are going to be exposed to the sun for more than half the time that you need to get sunburnt, you are going to want to use sunscreen, but make sure that you know what chemicals are in your sunscreen and sunblock
  • The website Environmental Working Group, or, has a list of the healthiest sunscreens and blocks
  • It is important that you know what chemicals you are being exposed to before applying any sunscreen or sunblock to your skin
  • Springtime is the best time to have your Vitamin D levels checked because it is the time of the year that your levels will be at their lowest point, which makes it a good way to measure how much you need for the seasonal cycle
  • If you don’t get enough Vitamin D from the sun, you will want to supplement with Vitamin D, but only a specific type
  • Using Vitamin D 3 instead of Vitamin D 2 is critical because Vitamin D 2 sources aren’t yet activated
  • People need anywhere from 2,000 IU to 10,000 IU of Vitamin D per day depending on their individual requirements, which can only be determined by a professional provider
  • There aren’t many high-quality food sources to get Vitamin D from
  • With the exception of fortified Vitamin D foods, which provide very little of what you need, only fatty fish, beef, liver and yolks are a quality source of Vitamin D
  • Cod liver oil, which is a natural source of Vitamin D. is also high in Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin A, which are both essential for good health
  • Springtime is an excellent time to get your Vitamin D levels measured to ensure that you have a sufficient amount for optimal health year round

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