What people are saying
Very pleased with this product. I’ve taken this product for about 1 year and have never had trouble. I will be buying these digestive enzymes again.
I have really noticed less burping and bloating after taking these digestive enzymes daily with each meal. I have recommended this brand to others and will definitely be back to buy again -Thank you!
I’ve tried a few different manufacturers of digestive enzymes and I have not seen a change until I discovered Pure Digestive Enzymes. Me and my digestion appreciate you so much! I highly recommend this product.
Digestive Enzymes = Full-Spectrum Health Benefits
Digestive Enzymes from Pure Prescriptions is a versatile multi-enzyme complex that offers much more than just aiding proper digestion and better absorption of nutrients.
In general, the state of digestive health determines overall wellness of an individual, because taking control of this intricate system may help improve one’s health, wellbeing, and happiness.
One may experience a lot of health problems, such as poor nutrient absorption, weight issues, nausea, bloating, constipation, stomach pain, and diarrhea to severe conditions like acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, immune and neurological problems, hormonal imbalance, if digestive system is not functioning the way it is supposed to be.
Several factors are known to influence digestive health: Poor lifestyle and eating habits, stress, age, genetics, food additives and chemicals, and physical inactivity.
In today’s fast-paced world, changing lifestyle and diet preferences are leading to a number of discomforts with the digestive system is the most affected, causing disturbed activity of digestive enzymes or enzyme insufficiency.
Enzymes can be described as simple proteins found within each living cell, where they act as ‘biological catalysts’ to regulate various biological reactions, including digestion. Several digestive enzymes are involved in breaking down protein, carbohydrates, and fats and other complex molecules present in food. Through this action, they facilitate the digestive process and thus help better nutrient absorption by the body.
However, in several individuals, due to aging or otherwise, body’s natural ability to produce certain pancreatic enzymes like lipase, amylase as well as other extra pancreatic enzymes that play a crucial role in macronutrient digestion starts declining as they age.
Hence, lack of optimal digestive function associated with enzyme inadequacy may lead to malabsorption and a host of related health issues, if enzyme insufficiency is left unaddressed.
Fortunately, one may replenish enzyme losses/deficiencies via enzyme supplementation, which is critical in today’s world.
These digestive enzymes are a carefully formulated plant based blend of key enzymes to support proper food digestion. These enzymes in this formula act as catalysts to specifically break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
Health of the body is completely dependent upon proper digestion. Taken with meals, these enzymes will help replace naturally occurring enzymes that are destroyed in highly processed and cooked foods. These digestive enzymes are different than other brands because because they are shown to be active across a broad pH range in the digestive tract.

ABOUT Digestive Enzymes
We offer a thoughtfully formulated plant based blend of digestive enzymes which act as catalysts to breaking down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Health of the body is completely dependent upon proper digestion. Taken with meals, these enzymes will help replace naturally-occurring enzymes that are destroyed in highly processed and cooked foods. This formula stands apart from the digestive enzyme preparations because it is active across a broad pH range in the digestive tract.
Research indicates the many benefits of digestive enzymes to include:
- Reduce toxic load generated by undigested food materials*
- Support digestive health*
- Immune support and balance*
- Facilitate restful sleep & mental capabilities*
- Help maintain skin health and texture*
Food, in general, has a balanced composition of nutrients, which may include carbohydrates, proteins, milk-based products, oils, fats, fibers, and various other components that are essential for good health and proper body function.
Thus, enzymes play a major role in breaking down these larger molecules into smaller units that the body can absorb more easily. Humans do not have the ability to digest fibrous food, thereby leading to its fermentation in the colon—causing generation of gas, bloating, and other related issues in a number of individuals.
Pure Prescriptions multi-enzyme complex, incorporated with a variety of enzymes, may aid in digestion as detailed below:

Key Differentiators & Features:
frequently Asked Questions
Digestive Enzymes from Pure Prescriptions features Digezyme®, a unique, proprietary blend of 5 specific enzymes, viz. α-amylase (starch hydrolyzing enzyme), protease (protein hydrolyzing enzyme), lipase (fat hydrolyzing enzyme), cellulase (cellulose hydrolyzing enzyme), and lactase (lactose hydrolyzing enzyme).
Enzymes are the essential part of any chemical reaction that takes place in our body. Various biological reactions, such as digesting food, activities of the brain, cellular energy and the repair process of tissues, organs and cells are regulated by different types of enzymes.
For example, several enzymes play a key role in the proper digestion of the food that we consume everyday in order to be assimilated and help body to absorb several nutrients.
Since ancient days, people have known the various health and nutritional benefits of enzymes. Today, people are convinced about enzymes’ role in improving overall health and wellness in general and gut/digestive health in particular—thanks to clinically-based evidence.
However, in some people, the body’s natural ability to produce certain pancreatic enzymes like lipase, amylase as well as other extra pancreatic enzymes that play a crucial role in macronutrient digestion starts declining very early (as early as 25 years of age). This might lead to malabsorption, if enzyme insufficiency is left unaddressed.
Supplementing with digestive enzymes takes care of your digestive health, while also supports weight management, joint health, management of circulatory problems, relieving muscle soreness, and much more.
Enzyme supplementation helps:
To withstand the stress caused by sudden changes in food consumption patterns, exposure to environmental pollutants, extensive travel and unexpected changes in weather.
To combat enzyme fluctuations observed in the treatment of somatic disease (i.e. when treated with immunosuppressive drugs and antibiotics)
In cases of enzyme insufficiency, caused by damage to the sites of enzyme production.
To lessen the symptoms caused by digestive and metabolic disorders, wherein individuals lack specific enzymes. For example, lactose intolerance, which is caused by lactase deficiency.
α–Amylase: Breaks down carbohydrates, such as starch, glycogen and polysaccharides into smaller units
Cellulase: Breaks down cellulose and chitin. It helps to free nutrients in both fruits and vegetables.
Lipase: Breaks down lipids, improves fat utilization and supports healthy gallbladder function.
Protease: Breaks down protein and peptides, supports immune function.
Lactase: Breaks down lactose (milk sugar) and useful for lactose intolerance.
A majority of the digestive enzyme supplements currently available in the market are from animal sources. Hence, enzyme origin would be a great concern for a customer who is strictly vegan. Microbial enzymes, often called “plant-derived,” are of bacterial or fungal origin and are produced through fermentation using these microorganisms.
Some of the best-known sources of microbial enzymes used in supplements include species like Aspergillus and Rhizopus (fungal), Bacillus (bacterial), and Saccharomyces (yeast).
Supplements having microbe-based enzymes are having several advantages: Activity of microbe-derived enzymes like lipase is believed to be similar to porcine and bovine pancreatic enzymes. Data on their safety and efficacy in the treatment of malabsorption and lactose intolerance are encouraging.
Another advantage is that they may be used at a lower dosage and possess a broader pH range of activity compared to animal-based enzymes. Another advantage of using micro-organisms as a source of enzymes for nutritional supplements is that they are of environmentally sustainable origins.
Each enzyme in this multi-enzyme complex formulation is of food grade and is non-GMO and gluten-free
The specifications of this product adhere to the most stringent international standards and regulatory norms, such as Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) representation, an accepted standard of the US FDA.
All the enzymes used in this multi-enzyme complex are safe in terms of their origin, quality, and efficacy.