In episode 62 of his video series, Dr. Larson discusses:

A recent study released in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association revealed a critical interaction between two key nutrients in the body, Vitamin D and magnesium. Currently, it is estimated that as many as 75% of people are deficient in magnesium, which is a widespread problem.


The reason that people might continue to be deficient in Vitamin D, even if they are getting enough exposure or even supplementing, is that you need sufficient levels of magnesium in your body to activate Vitamin D. DR. CHAD LARSON

A magnesium deficiency is destructive to the body because it is supposed to be the fourth most abundant nutrient in the body. Required for over 600 enzymes to function correctly, hundreds of enzymatic reactions are happening in the body all the time, and you need lots of magnesium repletion, which requires hundreds of milligrams per day, yet most people don’t get enough.

Magnesium is critical for bones, muscles, your heart and things like your teeth and nails. It isn’t just important on a macroscopic level, but it is also crucial for your cellular, or microscopic functioning, too. Studies have shown that Vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for overall cause of death

Literally, if you are deficient, you increase the likelihood that you will die young. Vitamin D is integral to brain health, your immune system and hormonal balance. And, although it isn’t technically a “vitamin”, it is still labeled as one. You get Vitamin D by exposure to sunlight, which activates Vitamin D to be synthesized.

The study revealed the important interaction between magnesium and Vitamin D, and found that the reason that people might continue to be deficient in Vitamin D, even if they are getting enough exposure or even supplementing, is that you need sufficient levels of magnesium in your body to activate Vitamin D. Once more, you need a particular amount of Vitamin D in your intestines to absorb magnesium. Therefore, a deficiency of one, will lead to a deficiency of the other.

When you have your magnesium levels tested it is typically done through a blood test. But, that is only where about .3% of it exists in the body. To get a more accurate level test, an RBC Magnesium test will show you the amount of intracellular magnesium in the body, which is a much more highly accurate measure than a blood test that measures the extracellular level.

People who are deficient in magnesium will experience musculoskeletal problems, muscle dysfunction, muscle tightness, migraine headaches, pain issues, heart function problems, arrhythmia, tachycardia issues, immune system problems, and a host of other effects in the body.

The reason why this study is so important is that it uncovered the essential interaction between magnesium and Vitamin D, and how they have to be in abundance together, or you are likely going to be deficient in both. So, make sure that you are getting enough of both to live a long healthy life.

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